Osram ECG DBD 300/110-240 DIM
The DBD 300/110-240 DIM electronic control gear with its patented pulsed mode to operate VUV emitting Xeradex excimer lamps has been designed for the 30W to 300W performance range. Among the control gear’s innovations is the option of continuously variable regulation of its output from 10 to 100 percent, analogue control and read out. This makes it easier to integrate and adapt OSRAM’s Xeradex lamps in production systems – such as the surface treatment of semiconductor materials or in display or solar cell production.

With OSRAM’s new EVG DBD 300/110-240 DIM with patented pulsed mode, Xeradex excimer lamps can be used in numerous fields.
Operating OSRAM Xeradex xenon excimer lamps in patented pulsed mode means high conversion efficiency can be achieved. About 40 percent of the coupled electrical power is emitted as usable vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) radiation with a wavelength of 172nm. Xeradex lamps are therefore among the most efficient systems currently available.
Other advantages include being ready to operate without any warm-up time, unlimited switching cycles, the capability of instant restrike without affecting operating life, and low energy consumption.
Environmentally friendly alternative for numerous applications
VUV radiation is capable of removing a large number of organic compounds. As such, Xeradex lamps represent an environmentally friendly and often lower cost alternative to chemical processes. Furthermore, they do not contain mercury.
High energy Xeradex lamps are suitable for a large number of applications – from surface cleaning in the semiconductor or LCD industry and ozone production to lacquer frosting of floor coverings or in furniture production. The lamps are used in order to activate surfaces, as well as for the removal of photoresist or the etching of plastic surfaces. Procedures such as CVD processes, metallisation or oxidation of surfaces can be carried out with VUV radiation at low process temperatures.
The EVG DBD 300/110-240 DIM complements OSRAM’s product range of electronic control gear for Xeradex lamps in the medium power segment up to 300W and an effective bulb length of 375 to 910mm. The entire power range of 20W (bulb length <170mm) up to 1000W (bulb length up to 2100mm) is now completely covered.